Entries 1 to 24. Total of 520 entries found.
LLG Labware [520 item(s)]

LLG Labware
2in1 KITs with crimp neck vials ND11 (wide opening)
24,20 € - 27,60 €

LLG Labware
2in1 KITs with Screw Neck Vials ND8 (small opening)
45,45 € - 47,75 €

LLG Labware
2in1 KITs with Short Thread Vials ND9 (wide opening)
38,20 € - 57,50 €

LLG Labware
4-Position magnetic stirrer LLG-uniSTIRRER 1/M4
418,50 € - 423,50 €

LLG Labware
96-well PCR Plates, PP
195,80 € - 201,70 €

LLG Labware
Absorbent, oil and chemical binder, granules
41,70 € - 151,20 €

LLG Labware
Accessoires for LLG-Filtering apparatus
35,10 € - 67,00 €

LLG Labware
Accessories for Aspirator LLG-uniVACUUSYS
11,50 € - 138,80 €

LLG Labware
Accessories for cooling incubators LLG-uniINCU 28
on demand

LLG Labware
Accessories for LLG pH meter 7
31,00 € - 325,10 €

LLG Labware
Accessories for LLG-pH meter 5
17,30 € - 70,95 €

LLG Labware
Accessories for LLG-uniPERISTALTICPUMP 1 and 3
11,50 € - 49,05 €

LLG Labware
Accessories for LLG-uniSTIRRER 3 / LLG-uniSTIRRER 5 / LLG-uniSTIRRER 7
12,65 € - 125,60 €

LLG Labware
Accessories for LLG-Vacuum desiccator cabinets "Heavy Duty"
4,00 € - 118,40 €

LLG Labware
Accessories for LLG-Vacuum desiccators "Heavy Duty"
29,10 € - 255,40 €

LLG Labware
Accessories for Magnetic stirrer LLG-uniSTIRRER 2
6,50 € - 12,40 €

LLG Labware
Accessories for Overhead mixer LLG-uniROTATOR 2 / LLG-uniLOOPMIX 2
14,25 € - 16,85 €

LLG Labware
Accessories for overhead stirrer LLG-uniSTIRRER OH2
46,00 € - 110,10 €

LLG Labware
Accessories for Single channel microliter pipettes LLG-proMLP
15,00 € - 119,55 €

LLG Labware
Accessories for Spectrophotometer LLG-uniSPEC
52,35 € - 1.589,90 €

LLG Labware
Accessories for test tube shaker LLG-uniTEXER 1 pro
13,90 €

LLG Labware
Accessories for Universal drying ovens LLG-uniOVEN 42/110
25,55 € - 204,40 €

LLG Labware
Adapter for thermometer, borosilicate glass 3.3
16,25 € - 22,65 €

LLG Labware
Adapters for combi rotor
16,40 € - 31,70 €